Friday, December 30, 2005

Can't see quaaludes?

It's a sinister notion that everyone can see quaaludes. If you can't then you are not alone and probably over five feet tall, although this is not a guarantee. If you can't see quaaludes then go immediately to your physician and explain your ailment. he will likely prescribe quaaludes to cure you of this debilitating anomaly. The chances of being cured by quaaludes is somewhere in the realm of 6-12%. This is to your benefit. Believe me. I can see quaaludes, I know. Although for me, aspirin is invisible, and to be honest I like it that way. Makes it easier to take my medicine.


Blogger Adam said...

Thanks for checking out the Joytastic Blog! Yours is interesting as well...what are quaaludes though?! hmm...

4:18 PM  

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